Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Black Star -Darn!

Ok, well many of the viewers know that I've posted the "preview" of Black Star shop. I also provided a link of which took you to the StarPlaza and showed you the who collection of Black Star. After school I logged on to see Stardoll has posted about Black Star. Here there giving away FREE Black Star and I have already bought some of the items! I am kinda upset with this, but then again USA should never of been able to get these. So, its not Stardolls fault for bring Black Star to us, we just should of waited longer to see what would of happened.


Note: When you enter the contest and dress Avril up and SAVE you get three free gifts.

When you watched the video you get two three gifts.

Monday, September 28, 2009

New HotBuy Added

Yes, it's me again. I've been getting many complements on the site saying- "What happened, you've always been so updated and posted every little thing?" & "You used to be so resourceful". Well all your viewers we are back on the resourceful train! Haha! Anyways, there is a new Hot Buy added just a few minutes ago.

-Hotbuys Balloon Skirt Dress

Price- 8 Stardollars

Shop- Evil Panda

SuperStar Only!

Halloween Preview

I figured to do something "creepy" for my Stardoll Halloween costume. Here is a little preivew I made for you! Enjoy, MwaHaHaHa!


New updates & Review

We all know the new "Miss Sixty" shop has arrived. I've been waiting on this store to be arriving for about 2 months now. My review on this is: Miss Sixty Sucks!

Update: Stardoll has added a Miss Sixty doll for everybody. Which doesn't make sense because the clothes are just for S/S and the doll is for everybody....?


Stardoll is getting ready for Halloween. They've added three new hair dyes & two new highlights!

Hair Dye-
Hair Color Curry
Ghostly White

Monster Green
Blood Red
Stage Orange (Just added)

I wonder when they'll add the Halloween costumes?


Also, Chenchen42 & I are making an offical Stardoll webshow called "Stardoll Atomic."

Friday, September 25, 2009


Miss Sixty is FINALLY here BUT, it's for SS ONLY!!!! Well, for you superstars, enjoy!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Two New Updates

I'm sure you've noticed the "Just Bought LE" Box. Personally, I think it's unfair, but that's just me. Also, the is a new Upgrade Now Tab. It's just to renew/become Superstar memberships.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tiny Pic

Ok, this is a little off topic, but what do you think of this picture? I made it at Upload an image, click edit photo, and do what you want to it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

40,000,000 Members!!!!

It's what we've all been waiting for and it's finally here! 40 million Stardoll members! There are no special things in the starplaza last time I checked, but when you send someone a gift, there a many new gifts to send. You can't buy any of it in the mini shop though. :-( Congrats to Stardoll!!)

Monday, September 7, 2009

New Hot Buys Dress For NON-SUPERSTARS?

The Hot Buys Rainbow dress is available. It is 15 dollars for non-superstars. The tag says that it is still for the 30,000,000 members anniversiary. Is this just a glitch or is the new hot buys dress for non-superstars? If you don't see it in the shop, click the picture on the homepage.

New additions to Kohls!

I have a feeling Kohl's with stick around for awhile! They added 40 new clothing items to Kohl's! Some of these items are really cool and unique! Take a look at all the new additions!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Lot of New Updates Today

Stardoll has added tons of new clothing. I'm sure most of you have seen the Space stuff. Well, Stardoll has added more stuff today. Stardoll is also bringing back an old item. The Fringe Purse. It may have be called something else before. Also, new mini shop items have been added. and The Wizards on Deck Club has reached over 50,000 members, so you should have gotten the bag today. If anything else has been brought back from before, tell us! And, check out ATOMIC magazine and soon BLAST. Sorry the pictures are a little small. :-)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

ATOMIC Magazine!

Click on the pictures for a better view so you can read what it says. Atomic's first issue is finally ready. Blast will be ready soon. Want to be in October's issue of Atomic? Go to my Stardoll presentation and follow the instructions carefully. Contact iwowmyself about being in hers. Comment here and tell us what you think!!

Micheal Jackson Doll and MJ Inspired Clothing?

Stardoll has FINALLY added a Micheal Jackson doll. Also, there is some Micheal Jackson inspired clothing. (Tingeling)

What do you think of my New Signature Picture?